Selasa, 08 Juni 2021

7 Houses village in Gunung Kidul

 It's drizzling rain.

The riding activity this time is in addition to hunting for climbs that have never been tried, namely the klegung climb and the last climb of Pitu village.

And also to establish a community of cyclists, starting this morning on 131220 at 06.00 tikum time in Blok o Jogja.

This nanjak ex-boyfriend calls himself a jerk goweser because that's the way the journey is because the crazy ride the path he chooses is always a jerk climb that he goes through and tries as a challenge even though sometimes they mock each other but that's togetherness can be closely intertwined by understanding each other in their own way the important thing is that it can be safe, smooth and will be waited on at the top of the incline for those who are not strong.

Pitu Village.
We, the perpetrators who are self-aware, visit the wingit place which is full of myths and customs that are so mystical about the existence of this village, so we must always remain vigilant to always kulonuwun and appreciate the existing conditions without disturbing and changing them.

....... Like this expression nothing is perfect but perfect what is around you ....... Because nothing lasts forever whether happy or hurt or suddenly at another time can laugh about taste that used to be sick or that was too beautiful.

Back to the story of the Pitu village, originally named Tlogo Guyangan, aka the lake of Pelanggaran, this is one of the springs that the residents rely on here to meet the ecosystem of the daily life of the residents here logically but still maintained green.
Air eye.
This bathhouse is a place to bathe the livestock of the residents here, but this is about a myth, namely the existence of a magical farm in the form of a winged Sembrani horse that often rides the gods and heavenly nymphs who descend to earth as their vehicle.

Meanwhile, the existence and establishment of Pitu village was thanks to someone who was able to win a prize in a contest from the Yogyakarta palace because he could take care of the tree in which there was a palace talisman.
The tree is in the form of a kinah plant or gadung Wulung which is said to have a fairly large heirloom.

So as an imbalance he got land in this village and passed it on to his descendants and continues to this day.

Foto : ilustrasi goweser
Currently in Pitu village, the scenery looks beautiful and the development towards this direction has been built with a cement-cast road with a Limasan-style house turning into a modern building and the road in the middle is land. Now the atmosphere is a tourist destination.

Including us, these cyclists come here by riding, even though we are tired, we are still happy to see the natural scenery on the outskirts and the land is water enough from the lake which is said to be mystical or the air is cool, the atmosphere is far from air pollution and the conditions are not noisy from worldly life but nothing is perfect, but there are taboos about myths and customs that are mandatory, namely seven houses must be built in an area of ​​7 hectares in this place, it turns out that everyone who is there or who has the intention of living there must think a thousand times to build a house if you don't want to!?.

If the intention is to break the taboo for various kinds of things then that person will not go home safely and may be able to go home but his life is nowhere to be taken, said someone who claims to be a resident there.

So many people who are elected who can live here or their children move out of this village or there are also those who want to live here, so there are those who get married, as did Mr. Dalino, a man from Klaten who married a resident here and his wife is Mbah's grandson. Rejo Dimulyo is another way for outsiders to live in this Pitu village.

Again, who is Mbah Rejo Dimulyo, he is more than 103 years old, as the caretaker of the Pitu village, keeping the nets of tradition at the top of Mount Nglangeran.

While the residents here are unique, namely there are 30 people, 7 houses, 7 families with an area of ​​7 hectares with each family owning 1 hectare of land and they are not allowed to hold puppet shows because of taboos.

The location.
Kampung Pitu is a lucky land located on the east side of Nglangeran Wetan tourism or people often refer to it as the Gunung Wayang area, Pathuk District, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta.
What a lousy path of choice.
Gowes this time on the east side of the city of Jogja through block o towards Berbah until Piyungan road towards the right lightning area but to the left towards the Klegung incline area, he said the incline was worse than lightning because after crossing the road, the cement was cast into gravel, especially last night it rained so sometimes the road was slippery and slipped the bicycle tire.

After that, we pass a new road around our Jurug Gede tour to the right towards the limestone cliffs in the Girisubo area, Gunungkidul.

Or on the left, there are 2 cottonwood trees, the base of which hangs very high, it has a mystical story because it cannot be cut down, in the end the road construction is turned.

Then, at the Nglangeran intersection, there is an angkringan stall to just fill your stomach with hot wedangan while formulating a strategy to get to Pitu village.

From the nglangeran intersection, about a hundred meters, turn right, we meet a small alley of cement cast soil, we start to climb so it's fun to try when visiting here with a hilly area, geographically, the houses are located far from each other and there are also lined up or without many rules. andesite stones here and there become our riding scene, it is more interesting to tell the readers of this blog.

Soponyono climb.
We come to the last climb of Pitu village which we call the SopONyOnO climb.

And it must be tried, even though there are those who pass, there are still those who guide us with full cast cement and slippery soil that brings us to the intersection where there is a mosque there to maintain the beliefs and teachings of the Javanese Islamic religion around here.

Today I am very happy that everything is smooth, safe and safe until Jogja again.

Because I was so touched to be able to get out of the atmosphere and the situation of being anxious in the derivative, the place is full of mystical myths and like a daytime dream or the way we who are jerks can overcome it together and return home to Jogja on the original road, especially the many roads that descend.

When the spirit is still looking for stalls, one by one, they are still closed, so when we come near the Jogja district, we just find a satay stall, Bu Jogo, making our lost abilities recover because we have been trained continuously to determine the rhythm but still measure the limits of that ability... ..yes, if it's not strong, it's pushed and don't let our happiness in the end become a disaster to make trouble for our own husband.

Author's message;
Keep your distance when on an incline, bro!!.

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