Tampilkan postingan dengan label Mount Fragrant Bangkel in Yogyakarta. Tampilkan semua postingan
Tampilkan postingan dengan label Mount Fragrant Bangkel in Yogyakarta. Tampilkan semua postingan

Sabtu, 12 Juni 2021

Mount Fragrant Bangkel in Yogyakarta

Mystery Mount Fragrant Bangkel in Yogyakarta.
You don't stray too far,
Why !!? Because as long as you're cycling next to you, who is it that you can't recognize anymore...... well, right.

Spelling this place is identical to what people say as a place
Sometimes choosing a cycling destination requires asking other friends and why you are interested in going there.
So that we understand the flow of the road, know ourselves and be careful to go somewhere.
It is said that Once upon a time it was said that this place to look for pesugihan with the name Mr. Tukul,s in quotes for small children in the world of goip was called tuyul. But the change of civilization is no longer people believe in and has become a mystery story for the residents around here or a secret that is kept neatly so that those who believe in this don't want to disturb it anymore. Because if you remember, it is no longer interesting for the story that is questioned by the next generation. When all the stories have become bad and good stories in other communities, they have now turned into local wisdom here. Or to choose the best of the moment.....!!? That is by deepening the teachings of religious guidance. And the current cultural order of modern society has been called inappropriate or criminal acts harm other parties and can be criminalized for the perpetrators of this Mr Tukul worship. Or... a mysterious haunted stigma was born for goweser tourists who need to be changed that this place also has a grave for the relatives of the Keaton Pakualaman breed, it is no longer scary from a supernatural point of view, it is not as scary as it used to be. ......because this area has been developed by the local village community into a fun tourist destination to pass the day in seeing the romantic sensation of sunrise or sunset in Jogja which is cheap because there is no entry fee at this tourist attraction. . Moreover, stalls lined up on every street and tourist attractions are available menus of soto, gado gado pecel or snacks while drinking coffee, it feels delicious while looking around the location, it is guaranteed that this road will not starve and get stronger......! !? Tourist sites ; _ Fragrant mountain. _ Hamlet; Bangkel. _ Village ; Siti Mulyo Piyungan Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta. _ Precisely Wonosari road km 12 at the gate of the Krenggotan village gate to the north. Look....!!. It's fun to ride October 20, 2019 to a fantastic natural panorama that is open in the morning, afternoon and evening, you can see the fun... it's fun. Or on the south side from the top of the hill you can see the natural scenery and the Wonosari road there is no barrier.
If to the west blocked the main tomb complex.
While the east and north directions are blocked by sengon and teak trees around the location, which have limestone soil, it is very interesting when viewed from the satellite, it looks like a pyramid.
Or....this place is suitable for hanging out because there is a Gasebo on each side of this hill to rest.
Because it is not too far and is strategically located, it is easy to reach in any mode.

Just start.
At least from the city of Jogja to the east towards the yellow building p4 through the ringroat to the Bantengan market towards the Rawa pillow tour, go up to p4 turn right left towards p4 to the right left to meet the signboard to the TKP but I followed the direction of the south incline.
Here.... the real incline of the cow xdang starts like a plastic plaque that reads
.....watch out for high incline
.....use 1st gear huh....!!

Because the incline here is like a long step, then a short climb again and so on until the top of the crime scene.
For ascent 1, I have met xdang sapi, then 2,3, I have just found a fun soto stall, the place is recommended for you to try and while looking at the broad Padang down there which was green when we were down there the road was visible from here.

Then up again there was a tall tree and 2 benches 1 table in the middle made of cast cement. I stopped again near the stretch of the PLN electricity cable towards the bottom, a sign of fun. The vast Padang east side of the Berbah area looks green with rice fields.
After that...... the 5th climb there are 2 choices, the right is the steps to the tomb and the left is to the hangout location because there is a choice of stalls, stage performances, toilet rooms and the 6th step to the top of Mount Fragrant Bangkel has been achieved.

From the wisdom of local life that needs to be dug deeper and how to advance this place by means of a small pit.
After this, the existence of cyclists is shown by building a good perception about this place, we can go through this interesting location with our bicycles which may not be able to be passed by other vehicles, we try even though the hill climb is quite low than being called a mountain.
Like the peak in the south, namely the peak of the bucu.

The end of this story.
Going down the fragrant mountain Bangkel you have to lower your saddle a few centimeters and this cement-cast road sometimes has sand that makes you slip.
Go down to the bottom and then turn right you will meet the village of Bangkel then head to P4 to stop for a moment to see the hill above Gasebo looks small on the hill.
Then.....left towards the Krenggotan gate, turn right towards the kid fun tour to P4 Ketandan towards Finish in the city of Jogja again.
In this story.
At Mount Bangkel there is a tourist story that is not only a historical story, the story of people's prejudices and is around the tomb complex of the family of the descendants of the Pakualaman Palace.
Because in general the royal tombs in Jogja are generally located on a hill and away from the crowds.
Or for educational scientists, they can explore the potential for research on geological rocks from ancient volcanic fragments in the hills around here.

Then for us cyclists, we usually like places we don't know and introduce them so that they are viral in visiting or attracting tourists.
When friends play bicycles, they will continue to take turns in this direction.
The rest of you where let's get together to come to this place so we can ride together again.


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