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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Don't forget to go home...Yink !!.. Tampilkan semua postingan

Kamis, 10 Juni 2021

Don't forget to go home...Yink !!.

Don't forget to go home _ Yink !!

Iyink is the name of the author and actor in this story.
Continuing my story after the end of the #4 Jakarta federal bicycle jamnas event.
Foto: my photo and for me
And it seems that after this the other cyclists will compare me to a person who likes to ride bicycles to move from his (nomadic) rides.
Or looking for the four and a half jamnas sometimes other people say this word again _ don't forget to go back to Jogja - it's okay if you go back to _ yink _ Gowes to Baduy area. When the word gowes to baduy after the national jam event, I say...... olaalah bro....!!? Because stuck in my memory is a place that is primitive, mystical and the distance is still smooth to that place We call it Baduy or Bedouin in Indonesian grammar. After traveling from Jogja _ Jakarta _ Monas Monument _ Gunung Bunder Bogor then to the Banten ciboleger terminal I stayed for 2 days near the Banten ciboleger market. After a few days in Baduy we also met 2 indigenous Baduy residents and we also invited them to stay at the inn. Because they had just returned from a long trip, especially when they met at around eight o'clock at night by chance. So last night's memories with them made me and some of my bicycle friends have a dialogue about life, beliefs and ...!? Especially after visiting the root bridge and bamboo bridge, I get to know more about the life of the inner Baduy or the outer Baduy and can go trekking on adventures to villages or settlements around here.

They are....!!
Baduy people often call themselves urang kanekes because they are in the kanekes river.
And in the northern part there is Mount Baduy which is 300_600 above sea level (asl) and it also has different land contours.
For example, for the northern part of the volcanic type soil, the middle part of the soil is sediment and the southern part is mixed soil.

The beginning.......!!
Kanekes people live in Kanekes village, Keuwidanan sub-district, Lebak Banten, or a distance of 40 kilometers from the town of Rangkas Bitung, Banten.
Starting from the Prophet Adam, they were believed to be their ancestors, they were obliged to continue the teachings which they named the Sunda religion or Sunda Wiwitan.
This teaching contains teachings about continuing the teachings of the ancestors by protecting and preserving the nature around here.
By not changing any shape as well as not changing the layout when building a house or farmland, it is made to follow the contours of the existing land.

Just as long forms cannot be cut or short ones cannot be connected so that they are moved by the rules of the surrounding natural conditions as they are...... in preserving the existing nature.

How to learn baduy people in .....!!
Even though their lives are primitive, they don't know how to read and write, but when they have a dialogue with the Sundanese dialect, Banten_nan.
But in terms of learning about customs, belief is enough to have its own way with teachings from generations of their ancestors who keep and are stored in the oral guidance of beliefs among themselves.

Then what about the outside baduy, yink.
In Baduy life, there are three main villages, namely Kanekes Cikeusik, Cikerawana and Cibio villages which are still in their original state or their actions are still innocent, without further ado and believe in the end of the day like Islam in general.

Then how is the difference.....that's it.
According to what I understand from the story and the justification according to the version of the friend who is here between the Sundanese and the Baduy in the same language, but the beliefs and way of life of the Baduy in Kanekes always close themselves.
This is to maintain the continuity of their customs strictly and traditionally.
While the Sundanese life is more open.

According to the form of dress and headband, the Baduy in the original kanekes are naturally white, while the outer Baduy are always dressed and the headband is dark blue.
The rules applied in the Baduy teachings are prohibited from driving on their way, using footwear, using electronic devices and wearing modern clothes.
Meanwhile, the outside Baduy have used building, household and modern facilities.

Thinking about the two choices illustrates why some of them choose to become outside Baduy, this is due to their violation of the Inner Baduy customs or their desire to go out personally or maybe marry in a different Baduy position.

Back here I am......!!
After understanding someone's thoughts, I consider this a new friend of the urang baduy and the thoughts according to our elders who also confirm or slightly change so that we can just know without wanting to change it because everything has been going on for generations before we were here.
As the night grew late we invited our inner Baduy friend to sleep next to our room where we rented three different rooms.
Especially when I changed rooms, I was attracted by their behavior to roll up the mattress pads and prefer to sleep on existing mats without bolsters.....how beautiful the difference is today.

And in the morning we were awakened by an invitation.....!!
It's ironic when I often go on long adventures but really in this area I often ask and ask my friends for consideration because I become a coward...... that's all.
When I'm talking about this, it's about the smell, it smells soooo... cing.

And again...!!
When drinking we often buy plastic bottles of drinking water to replace body fluids so as not to be dehydrated in the body.
But when removing both of them from the urine, where do you have to sometimes.....!?

When you go to the bathroom or don't throw it out arbitrarily, it will turn into a nuisance or kulonuwun asking for permission to throw urine in the running water... well.

Especially in the area around here, I think everything is so safe, so why....!!?

Because I was afraid of flying and was afraid that there would be something strange like a gendolin that stuck on the back of my bicycle on the first day I was on the way to the root bridge .... horrible, _nohhh.

But if .....!!
Well, instead of helping to smooth the way my bicycle even I thank you..... Iyo thio.
It's not that I believe in magical and mystical things, but I was taught as a child of Jogja who adheres to Islam and an environment that is always polite so that in the future wherever he can carry himself in uploading ungguh with habits where I go here, I must know the customary rules Baduy.
Maybe I believe that disposing of urine should also comply with the rules, just like throwing away plastic bottles.

And here, trash bins have also been prepared, especially the dirt roads in the environment are clean and still beautiful, comfortable and natural scenery when I track the roads up and down the hill to the bamboo bridge on the second day at that time.

I believe the rules are there to be obeyed because here is someone else's land whose rules are more mystical than any other city.

And here we have toto coro as a standard rule so that I too can be saved if I obey the existing rules from and by the wisdom of nature by His will. Up there, may bless this journey.


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