Sabtu, 26 Juni 2021

Pikiran_itu lho Bro !!.

 Pikiran_itu lho Bro..... Keluh kesah dari kisah klasik penulis sendiri.

Saya bukan orang yang harus terus konsisten membuat tulisan untuk mengisi situs di dunia Maya untuk bisa menyenangkan pembacanya agar saya tetap populer dari para penggemarnya agar pengaruh tidak hilang begitu saja.

Foto ; hanya ilustrasi sebagai pemanis blog ini.

Medsos bukan pembentuk harga diri tidak pernah harus ini harus itu ataupun begini karena saya bebas berdasarkan eyd ejaan yang di sempurnakan oleh daya pikir saya yang saya mampu bukan di mampukan dengan kata yang katanya biar terpelajar di tambahin kata Indonesia English nek saya mok kata indonesia basa Jawa gaul sek ISO saya pahami daripada buka kamus ....heee !?

Yang saya yakin kaidah itu mudah di pahami kelanjutannya.... Yo ora ngoyo Woro sak nulis prokem stensilan sek isine pikiran saru,porno Wathon nulis tho ,bro !!?

Kadang tulisan kata hati saat sedih,pingin curhat,pingin guyon cari perhatian,story seseorang atau malah saya sok wagu,lebay,ngispiratif semua di jalani dari kata jari saya ini ... Ya sesederhana itu untuk layak di posting di blog ini.

Terkadang kedekatan ini perlu di jaga kepada pembacanya agar mereka harus realistis dan romantis ini butuh proses pembuatan yang tidak begitu saja jadi karya yang asyik di baca ...ya itu saja untuk kali ini.

Karena ini hanya soal rasa pingin ya nulis kalau wes bebal tidak bisa konsentrasi maka saya pergi jauh dari tempat Tut Tut komputer dari jariku ini karena saya juga butuh refreshing.

Lalu berselancar ke medsos sebagai konsumen melihat kreativitas dan kejelian melihat ke arah man teman saya karena saya tidak bisa lagi menahan diri untuk tidak melakukan apa-apa termasuk dalam hal yang trend saat ini masih belum jelas apakah ada perbedaan yang ada sebagai seorang produsen yang aktif membuat meluncurkan trend konten di medsos.

Toh.... Saya belum bertanggung jawab menjaga agar konten karena tidak ada yang mau memberi sponsor tapi saya ....!!.

Dan juga bisa digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan,keterampilan dalam bentuk apapun serta siapapun bisa menjadi pilihan bagi mereka yang punya hobi yang sama yaitu menulis....menulis lagi walau tidak ada yang baca tetap saja menulis di blog ini.

Mungkin saja ketekunan ini nantinya ada saja hikmahnya akan mendapat imbalan uang dari dermawan yang iklas membantu dalam ujut saran,kritik membangun atau memberi barang seperti laptop agar tulisan tulisan bisa di editing di manapun tempatnya.

Dan harapannya nantinya lebih dikenal sebagai seorang penulis yang produktif dan mapan pendapatannya itu saja.

Toh semua orang boleh berharap tapi kepuasan di dapat dari sesuatu proses yang tidak kebetulan saja 

Bila rejeki itu datang maka ada penyegaran jiwa yang menentramkan hati.

Dan bila ini sukses di dunia tulisan blogger serta creator youtube adalah pilihan terbaik saat ini yang saya ciptakan.

Toh itu belum diketahui pasti penyebab utama kok belum bisa di akui dari pihak Google.

E ee walau ada saja yang terus menyemangati dengan cara harus ikut kelas ini itu lewat email dan kelas WhatsApp saya lakoni ternyata lambat laun subscribe YouTube mulai naik, komentar semakin interaktif terjalin dan di blog rating pembacanya sudah di baca di negara tetangga di luar sana menambah statistik untuk mendapatkan hasil pembaca blog maksimal terpenuhi.

Tinggal terus inovasinya dan terus belajar dari para pencipta trend karena mereka itu produsen konten yang sudah mapan patut di tiru dan di cerna pengalaman atau kemampuan mencari followers yang Sudi mampir di medsos mereka itu.

Semoga konten medsos mata kayuhan ku juga bisa terus berkembang lebih baik lagi.

Mimpi seperti itu !!.

Kenapa harus sabar menunggu harapan yang tak pasti padahal proses sudah di jalani apakah harus luntur semangat ini di dunia Maya untuk berproses.

.... Karena saya sadar bukan seorang Produsen yang bisa membuat sesuatu menjadi trending Topik di medsos hanya seorang konsumen yang masih mencari bentuk itu saja di antara konten teman teman lainnya.

Seperti hari ini kemampuan sudah keluar dari kotak karena mungkin ia tidak memiliki isi kotak seperti mereka....ya mereka para produsen itu yang real patut saya contoh itu saja.

Lekas bangun nak !

Wujudkan mimpi segera karena dunia Maya hanya sekelebat bayangan iming iming kemewahan mencari uang yang mudah tapi butuh proses dan keberuntungan bukan berharap kebangetan seperti halnya mimpi aplikasinya bisa banyak makna untuk kehidupan nyata.

Ini dunia Maya seperti sebuah mimpi..bro !!

Mimpi di alami setiap orang selalu berkaitan berjangka pendek dan panjangnya ingatan dalam isi otak manusia.

Jadi manfaat mimpi bagi otak manusia ada memori yang tersimpan terkadang ada yang hilang tetapi jatah mimpi itu tetap terbayarkan pada tidur malam selanjutnya.

Karena malam berikutnya akan memberi mimpi baru agar bisa tidur pulas karena katagori orang yang tidur pulas ketika sudah mendapatkan mimpi itu menjadi nyata.

Walau bisa jadi obat tidur membuat mimpi itu hilang tetapi jatah mimpi yang hilang itu tetap akan terbayarkan.

Lalu....anggaplah tulisan blog ini agar nantinya bisa dapat bayaran yang setimpal sedangkan yang membedakan adalah isi kotaknya atau otak manusianya saja antara saya dan ....!!?.

Karena kotak akan mengalami penurunan akibat proses penuaan termasuk kondisi kesehatan semakin kian lemah atau kurang baik menjadi otak tak lagi bisa mengingat apa apa lagi.

Tapi saat ini tulisan tulisan blog ini bisa punya kenangan bila saat kelupaan dari waktu ke waktu akan tiba saatnya akan kembali teringat sesuatu dan bisa menceritakan lagi memori memori itu kembali.

Walau akan berproses menjadi menua usianya yang sangat normal nantinya tapi terkadang membuat setiap orang menjadi frustasi.

Akhir kisah ini.

Seperti yang katanya kalau bermimpi itu seperti berfantasi seksual yang mampu mempertajam kemampuan otak namun ingat bagi para jomblo ...ya b_loo jomblo !!?

Jangan menerapkan aplikasi chating gambar bugil,porno itu sembarangan tempat pelampiasannya apalagi berkayal_mu sok mesum kirim kiriman Vidio porno itu...lho !!?.

Misal saat bersepeda ya fo_cus bersepeda saja nggak usah mikir macam macam cukup satu macam saja.

Karena intinya tetaplah bijak dalam melakukan apapun itu atas sesuatu yang kamu lakukan dan luwes di mana kamu bisa berkawan dengan siapapun asal tidak mengikuti alur yang tak bermoral dari aturan yang kamu yakini ....itu saja.

Ya...itu saja sesederhana itu.

Ya....itu saja pikiran penulis !!

Atau bisa jadi pikiran_mu juga !!.

Apapun itu !!?.


It's scary heart !!.

it's scary heart !!.

I'm not a person who has to consistently write to fill sites in the virtual world to please the readers so that I stay popular from the fans so that the influence is not lost.
Social media is not a form of self-esteem, it never has to do this, it has to be this or this because I am free based on the spelling method which is perfected by my thinking power which I am capable of. I understand ISO slang instead of opening a dictionary .... hee !?
Photos ; Taken on the motivator's YouTube Instagram account.
What I'm sure is that the rules are easy to understand, what's next.... Yo ora ngoyo Woro sak writes stencil prokem sek isine one's mind, porn Wathon writes tho, bro!!?
Sometimes the writing of my heart when I'm sad, wanting to vent, wanting to joke about looking for attention, someone's story or even I am pretentious, lazy, inspiring are all lived from my finger words ... Yes, it's that simple to deserve to be posted on this blog. Sometimes this closeness needs to be maintained to the readers so that they are realistic and romantic. This requires a manufacturing process that doesn't just become a work that is fun to read ... that's all for now. Because this is just a matter of wanting to write, if wes fool can't concentrate, then I go away from the computer Tut Tut place from my finger because I Then surfing to social media as a consumer sees creativity and foresight looking at my friend because I can no longer hold myself back from doing anything, including in the current trend, it's still not clear whether there is a difference that exists as an active producer. launching trending content on social media. After all.... I am not responsible for maintaining content because no one wants to sponsor but I am sincere and can also be used to measure abilities, skills in any form and anyone can be an option for those who have the same hobby, namely writing.. ..write again even though no one reads still writes on this blog. Maybe this perseverance will have a lesson in getting money in return from benefactors who sincerely help in the form of suggestions, constructive criticism or provide goods such as laptops so that writing can be edited anywhere. And he hopes that he will be better known as a writer who is productive and has a steady income that,all.
After all, everyone can hope but satisfaction is obtained from a process that is not just a coincidence
When the fortune comes then there is a refreshing soul that reassures the heart.

And if this is successful in the world of writing, bloggers and YouTube creators are the best choice at this time that I created.
After all, it is not known for sure the main reason why it can't be monetized from Google.
Hee....eeee, even though there are people who continue to encourage me by taking this class via email and my WhatsApp class, it turns out that my YouTube subscription has gradually started to increase, comments are becoming more interactive, and on the blog the reader's rating has been read in neighboring countries at out there add statistics to get the maximum blog reader results are met.

It's just a matter of continuing to innovate and continuing to learn from trend creators because they are well-established content producers that should be imitated and digested their experience or ability to find followers who are willing to stop by on their social media.
I hope my eyeball social media content continues to grow even better.

Such a dream!!.
Why do you have to wait patiently for uncertain expectations even though the process has been carried out, does this spirit have to fade in the Maya world to proceed.

.... Because I am aware that I am not a producer who makes something trending. Topic on social media is only a consumer who is still looking for that form among other friends.

Like today abilities are out of the box because maybe he doesn't have a box like them....yes they are the producers.
Get up soon!

Make dreams come true soon because the virtual world is just a glimpse of the lure of luxury to find easy money but it takes a process and luck, not wishing for happiness like dreams, the application can have many meanings for real life.

This Maya world is like a dream..bro!!
Dreams experienced by everyone are always related to short-term and long-term memories in the human brain.

So the benefit of dreams for the human brain is that there is a stored memory sometimes that is lost but the dream quota is still paid off the next night's sleep.

Because the next night will give you a new dream so you can sleep soundly because the category of people who sleep soundly when they get the dream comes true.

Although it can be a sleeping pill to make the dream disappear, the lost dream will still be paid off.

Then.... assume this blog post so that you can get a fair fee, while the difference is the contents of the box or the human brain

Because the box will experience a decline due to the aging process, including health conditions getting weaker or less good.

But at this time this blog post has memories when the time of forgetfulness from time to time will come the time will come back to remember.

Although it will be a very normal process later but sometimes it makes everyone frustrated.

Well.... at the end of this story, it's said that dreaming is like a sexual fantasy that can sharpen the brain's ability but remember for singles... huh bloo!!?

Don't apply for a nude image chat application, porn is a random place to release it, especially if you think you're pretentious about sending porn videos... you know!!?.

For example, when cycling, just focus on cycling, feel like thinking about one kind is enough.

Because the point is stay wise in doing whatever it is for something you do and be flexible where you can make friends with anyone as long as you don't follow the immoral path of the rules you believe in .... that's all.'s as simple as that.

Whatever it is !!?.


Kamis, 24 Juni 2021

Gowes kuliner seru.

Cara mengartikan Kulineran saat Gowes 

 Setau saya kalau pas di ajak gowes ke suatu tempat pasti berasa ribet sendiri untuk memulai makan dari mana karena pastinya kok jok yang di pegang hape untuk foto foto menu kuliner yang di pesan.

Terus leh mu madank e kapan !!

Gowes kuliner seru.

Foto : hanya ilustrasi saja.

Mungkin pengalaman untuk Gowes kuliner seru.

Saya tentang makanan sekaligus icip icip walau tidak begitu paham jenis makanannya tetapi saat banyak yang pingin order di atas meja jadi tertarik.... deh.

Atau soal ambil foto dari hp dengan durasi waktu sekian detik focus tidak mengenai apa yang di cari.

Dan sudut mana saja seharusnya cara foto kuliner yang pas baiknya gimana sih.....bro !!

Karena mengenal makanan khas daerah setempat yang bisa kunjungi tak boleh di lewatkan apalagi mengetahui sejarah dan cara pembuatan itu bisa menambah referensi tulisan.

Selayaknya selagi di ajak gowes seperti ini bisa menambah referensi tulisan blog tentang makanan,kenal harga standar setiap kafe serta daerah mana saja tempat nongkrong para pesepeda bertempat untuk santai dan nyaman selama beberapa jam di tempat itu.

Misalkan soto ini disana enak dan takaranya kaya makan kuli bangunan karena porsinya muncup muncup sampai bibir mangkok dan juga bisa menjadi alternatif bagi para pemburu yang laper fulll karena gowes.

Atau makanan di sini minumannya seger seperti rujak es krim dan yang disana pemandangannya loss bisa melihat alam sekitarnya dengan leluasa apalagi kalau pas cerah cuacanya bisa lihat gunung tampak nyata dari sini.

Lalu maksudnya icip icip itu apa saja yang di bahas mas bro !!?

Setidaknya bukan sekedar informasi tentang kualitas gowes nya seberapa jauh dan tanjakan yang ekstrim dan juga lagi viral bisa ter_icipi tetapi menyangkut banyak cerita klasik di situ.

Seharusnya saya nulis tentang icip icip makanan itu terbuat dari apa dan bagaimana cara membuat menu tersebut tapi kok malah di campur dengan cerita bersepeda Khan itu malah tidak efektif dan rancu jalan ceritanya.

Lho Khan malah jalan critanya rasa nano nano to bro !!?

Bisa saja ....lho.

Toh cerita blog ini bukan milik cah ngepit saja tapi di baca oleh orang yang tidak suka bersepeda tapi suka petualangan yang seru maka icip icip misteri, icip-icip perjalanan touring, icip-icip bike camp , icip-icip gowes sama Mak mak, icip-icip gowes lalu treking, icip-icip gowes terus berenang atau icip-icip gowes religi dan gowes....!!?

Saat berbagi itu pernah di rasakan nikmatnya seperti itu bisa saja ketemu kuliner yang asyik dan baru informasinya.

Daripada monoton dalam satu cerita menjadi orang baik tetapi baik baiki bike kesemua teman malah bisa jadi di ajak kulineran karena status wa berkomentar seperti ini ;

Yang dekat merapat,

Saya di warung atau kafe ini...!!?

Atau besok ada yang ulang tahun lho...bro !!.

Atau ....!!? 

Bahkan malah terkadang berbeda pendapat dan tidak sepaham karena jaraknya kejahuhan, sudah malam hari atau berbenturan dengan acara lainnnya.

Itulah kisah icip-icip di dunia cah ngepit yang selalu butuh teman gowes di samping dan depan belakangnya.

Setidaknya kurang seru kalau tidak ada lho .....kata teman saya.

Lho kenapa bro !!?

Soalnya kamu orangnya asyik bisa merasakan icip-icip di mana mana itu yang bikin orang ngiri dan berpikir ulang untuk mengikuti cara bersosialisasi seperti itu.

Toh itulah proses yang idealis masih di jalur sepeda dan setiap pergantian jaman masih saja ketemu orang baik yang suka bike.

Itulah hidup dan menghidupi para senior agar yang baru gede di dunia Kayuhan itu bisa mengalami proses untuk belajar.

Atau mencontoh bukan menghujat caranya yang tidak salah tetapi kurang pas dalam porsinya masing masing orang itu saja.

Seperti contoh di grup W ada orang yang di andalkan karena ia pandai berdiplomasi kepada audiens dan satunya di grup J ada yang bisa MC yang dagelan 

Dan konservatif dengan banyolannya atau di grup F ada yang bisa bercerita untuk bisa orang tertarik mendengarkan.

Inilah namanya icip-icip tentang orang orang yang berkompeten menghidupi dan membangun suatu komunitas.

Itu yang sukses menarik orang untuk menyukai gowes bersamanya itu saja.

Lalu soal icip-icip jenis sepedanya ada MTB,ada sepeda Turing,ada sepeda tekuk tekuk atau sepeda balap dan lainnya adalah gambaran icip-icip itu bukan soal makanan saja yang bikin kenyang terus malah ngantuk tetapi soal ....!?

Seperti malam ini di jam 23,39 di hari Selasa 18 Mei 2021 dan cuaca berawan dengan suhu 25 " menjadi malam terasa ber_sendiri.

Walau tetap saja suara jangkrik clu_po karena seperti upa atau butiran nasi itu terdengar nyaring di telinga ini... . Krik krik krik....rik

Duh .... kok malah curhat nek bengi bengi seperti ini.

Toh pas tekan keyboard ini melelahkan jari telunjukku apalagi mata ini mulai ketap ketip seperti adaya lampu 5 Watt menjadi saya mulai pingin tidur.

Lha....tidurmu Karo sopo !!?

Duh....di temani bantal guling to Yoo mas bro.

Lha.....Tak kiro Karo ...!??

Duh.....Wkkwk.... We Kkk mesti arep ngece ... Hho,ok to .

Duh ...hhiiii..... Wes ke topik icip icip wae to Saiki.

Lha..... Iyaa....nek ngicipi peyempuan wes tau durung ...!?

Duh....balenih ngece meneh.

Lha ....Wkkkk ...ekkk santai bro rasah ang_ngot mengko panas ati mu.

Duh....Iki mesti ngece meneh...mesti.

Lha....ORA ngece kok....bro.

Lha.... Mong ngandani.

Lha....kapan icip-icip ke pelaminan 

Lha....ORA ngepit terus to....bro.


...teriak panci yang nggak salah malah jadi amarah tanpa alasan yang jelas.

Duh.... Wes sesok nek Titi wancine icip-icip peyempuan jok ke pelaminan tak undangin kok...mas bro.

Lha...... Ngono kui maksute jadi jiwa berkembanganmu itu menjadi normal dan itu suatu ibadah menurut ajaran agama.

Lha..... Ra pingin icip-icip gowes samawa koyo mbak Karo papa sek foto fotone gowes berdua kae apik apik hasil e.

Duh...Wwkkk..wkkk mas bro koe kok malah ngrasani goweser lainnya to.

 Lha....kui kode terbaik icip-icip mu misalkan iso ketemu peyem_puan rasah pacaran langsung di ajak nikah terus pacaran wae bro !!!

Nek golek e yang sehobi Khan jok akur Seiya sekayuhan di jalani bersama sama Khan jadi berkah buat orang orang di sekitarmu.

Duh Gowes kuliner seru....mas bro kok wes jadi ngustat jalanan kok serius sihh.... mbar ikut pengajian masjid Nang die mas bro !!?

Malah ngelantur tak tinggal turu wae wes bengi....besok ketemu maneh bahas icip-icip Karo hidangan pisang goreng lan kopi hitam ora koyo Saiki mok teh celup marak_ke jok ngantuk.

Lha.....Siap siap.

Duh..... Mengartikan icip icip kok malah Ono ono wae sek mengartikan dari kuliner dan icip icip berhubungan dengan kaum perempuan mau cari istri apa kedua . .ya !!?

Lha ..... Sek urung entok kode dari istri pertama ...mas bro_ Jhon !!!.

Duh..... Wkkk wkkkk. 

Akhir sebuah cerita klasik kali ini.

Kehidupan seperti pepatah Jawa mengatakan hidup itu sawang sinawang dan satu lagi mengatakan rumput tetangga kelihatan lebih subur dan hijau asyik untuk di lihat.

Dan kedua kata di atas itu bisa saja di tambahkan seperti ini kalau kehidupan ini sekedar mampir ngombe atau sekedar minum saja.

Banyak kata kata Jawa ungkapannya selalu menyindir agar orang yang kepepet pingin icip-icip atau merasakan sesuatu.

Lalu ia bersemangat menjalani kehidupan dan berubah menurut cara pandang yang di benarkan oleh saudara,teman agar kita sebagai manusia itu berguna,bermanfaat dan bermartabat yang baik karena bike.

Berkelanjutan dengan blog ini.

Itu saja kisah kali ini dan berikutnya kita lanjut kisah icip-icip lainnya di saat gowes akan saya ceritakan pengalaman dan pengetahuan tentang bagaimana caranya agar bisa menjadi alternatif bagi anda semua memilih kuliner yang asyik dilihat dan menunya murah meriah bagi pesepeda lainya itu saja.


How to interpret culinary when Gowes.

 How to interpret Culinary when Gowes.

 As far as I know, if you're invited to go for a ride somewhere, it's going to be difficult where to start eating because of course the seat you're holding on your cellphone is taking photos of the culinary menu you ordered.
So when are you madank ?

Maybe my experience is about food as well as degustation even though I don't really understand the type of food, but when many want to order on the table, I get interested.... deh.

Or the matter of taking photos from a cellphone with a duration of a few seconds, the focus is not on what you are looking for.

And which angle should a culinary photo take that fits well... bro !!

Knowing the local specialties that you can visit should not be missed, let alone knowing the history and ways of making it can add writing references.

It's appropriate that when you are invited to ride like this, you can add references to blog posts about food, know the standard prices of each cafe and which areas are hangout places for cyclists to relax and be comfortable for a few hours in that place.

For example, the soup there is delicious and the dosage is like eating a construction worker because the portion will pop up to the lip of the bowl and can also be an alternative for hunters who are full of hunger because they are moving.

Or the food here, the drinks are fresh, like salad ice cream and the scenery there is loss, you can see the surrounding nature freely, especially if the weather is sunny, you can see the mountains look real from here.

Then what do you mean by tasting, what are you talking about, bro!!?

At least it's not just information about the quality of the ride, how far and the extreme as well as viral climbs can be tasted, but it involves many classic stories there.

I should have written about what food tasters are made of and how to make the menu but how come it is mixed with Khan's cycling story, it's not effective and the storyline is confusing.

Why, Khan, the story goes with the taste of nano nano to bro !!?
It could be .... you know.

After all, this blog's story doesn't belong to you, but it's read by people who don't like cycling but like exciting adventures, so try the mystery, try the touring trip, try the bike camp, try the ride with Mak mak, taste- Tasting rides and then trekking, tasting rides and swimming or tasting rides on religion and sharing rides. Have you ever felt the pleasure of it like that you can find fun culinary delights and new information.

Instead of being monotonous in one story, being a good person but improving the bike, all friends can even be invited to culinary because the status of wa comments like this;

The one that is near,
I'm in this warung or cafe...!!?
Or tomorrow there is a birthday you know ... bro !!.

In fact, sometimes they have different opinions and disagree because they are far away, it's late at night or they clash with other events.

That's the story of a taster in the world of cah ngepit who always needs a ride partner on the side and front and back.

At least it's less fun if you don't have one ..... my friend said.

Why bro!!?
It's because you're a fun person, being able to feel the taste buds everywhere, that's what makes people jealous and rethinking how to socialize like that.

After all, that's an idealistic process that is still on the bicycle path and every time you change, you still meet good people who like bikes.

That's life and support for seniors so that those who have just grown up in the world of pedaling can experience the process of learning to imitate not blaspheming the way that is not wrong but does not fit in each person's portion.

For example, in group W, there are people who can be relied on because they are good at diplomacy with the audience and the other in group J there is an MC who is sloppy and conservative with his jokes or in group F there is someone who can tell stories so that people are interested in listening.

This is called tasting about people who are competent in building a successful community in attracting people to like riding with them.

Then the matter of tasting types of bicycles, there are MTB, Turing bicycles, bending bicycles or racing bicycles, etc., is that the taste is not just a matter of food which makes you feel full and sleepy but.
Like tonight at 23.39 on Tuesday, May 18, 2021 and cloudy weather with a temperature of 25 "is a lonely night.

Even though the sound of clupo crickets still sounds like upa or rice grains it sounds loud in this ear... . cricket cricket.... rik

Duh .... why are you even venting like this.

After all, when I press the keyboard, my index finger is tiring, especially when my eyes start to blink like a 5 Watt lamp, so I start wanting to sleep.

Lha.... your sleep Karo sopo!!?

Duh.... accompanied by a bolster pillow to Yoo mas bro.

Lha..... Don't worry about Karo...!??

Duh.....Wkkwk.... We Kkk must be awesome... Hho, ok to .

Duh ... hhiiii..... Wes to the topic of tasting wae to Saiki.

Lha..... Yes.... Grandma is tasting wes woman, you know, durung...!?

Duh.... balenih sucks.

Lha .... Wkkkk ... ekkk relax bro, feel the heat of your heart.

Duh.... This must be awesome...must be.

Lha.... It's not great.... bro.

Lha.... Please pretend.

Lha.... when are you going to the aisle

Lha.... ORA keep on pinching to... bro.

Duhh....Ngrommbyangg....screaming the pot that wasn't wrong even turned into anger for no apparent reason.

Duh.... Wes Sesok granny Titi Wancine tasted the women's seats to the aisle, why didn't they invite... mas bro.

Lha ...... Ngono kui maksute that your developing soul becomes normal and it is a worship according to religious teachings .

Lha..... I want to taste the rides together, sis. Karo papa, in the photo, the two of you gowes well, the results are good.

Duh...Wwkkk..wkkk bro, how come you feel like another goweser though?

 Lha .... the best code for your taste buds, for example, if you meet a woman who feels like you are dating, you are immediately invited to marry and continue dating, bro !!! Golek e that is as hobby as Khan's seat is getting along Seiya's life together with Khan is a blessing for those around you.

Duhh..... bro, how come wes are so serious about the streets... can you join the recitation of the mosque, bro, bro!!?

Even if you digress, you don't just have to go down, wae wes bengi.

Lhaa.....Ready ready.

Duh..... Interpreting taste buds, how come Ono ono wae sek means culinary and tasting is related to women looking for a second wife. .yes!!?

Lha ..... Why not enter the code from the first wife ... mas bro_ Jhon !!!.

Duh..... Wkkk wkkkk.

The end of a classic story this time.

Life is like a Javanese proverb saying life is sawang sinawang and another one says the neighboring grass looks more fertile and green is fun to look at.

And the two words above can be added like this if life is just dropping by for a drink or just drinking.

Many Javanese words are always satirical expressions so that people who are in a hurry want to taste or feel something.

Then he is excited to live life and change according to the perspective that is justified by relatives, friends so that we as humans are useful, useful and dignified because of the bike.

Continuing with this blog.

That's all for this time and next time, we will continue with other tasting stories. During the ride, I will tell you about my experience and knowledge about how to make it an alternative for all of you to choose culinary delights that are fun to look at and have cheap menus for cyclists.

The and.

Sabtu, 12 Juni 2021

Mount Fragrant Bangkel in Yogyakarta

Mystery Mount Fragrant Bangkel in Yogyakarta.
You don't stray too far,
Why !!? Because as long as you're cycling next to you, who is it that you can't recognize anymore...... well, right.

Spelling this place is identical to what people say as a place
Sometimes choosing a cycling destination requires asking other friends and why you are interested in going there.
So that we understand the flow of the road, know ourselves and be careful to go somewhere.
It is said that Once upon a time it was said that this place to look for pesugihan with the name Mr. Tukul,s in quotes for small children in the world of goip was called tuyul. But the change of civilization is no longer people believe in and has become a mystery story for the residents around here or a secret that is kept neatly so that those who believe in this don't want to disturb it anymore. Because if you remember, it is no longer interesting for the story that is questioned by the next generation. When all the stories have become bad and good stories in other communities, they have now turned into local wisdom here. Or to choose the best of the moment.....!!? That is by deepening the teachings of religious guidance. And the current cultural order of modern society has been called inappropriate or criminal acts harm other parties and can be criminalized for the perpetrators of this Mr Tukul worship. Or... a mysterious haunted stigma was born for goweser tourists who need to be changed that this place also has a grave for the relatives of the Keaton Pakualaman breed, it is no longer scary from a supernatural point of view, it is not as scary as it used to be. ......because this area has been developed by the local village community into a fun tourist destination to pass the day in seeing the romantic sensation of sunrise or sunset in Jogja which is cheap because there is no entry fee at this tourist attraction. . Moreover, stalls lined up on every street and tourist attractions are available menus of soto, gado gado pecel or snacks while drinking coffee, it feels delicious while looking around the location, it is guaranteed that this road will not starve and get stronger......! !? Tourist sites ; _ Fragrant mountain. _ Hamlet; Bangkel. _ Village ; Siti Mulyo Piyungan Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta. _ Precisely Wonosari road km 12 at the gate of the Krenggotan village gate to the north. Look....!!. It's fun to ride October 20, 2019 to a fantastic natural panorama that is open in the morning, afternoon and evening, you can see the fun... it's fun. Or on the south side from the top of the hill you can see the natural scenery and the Wonosari road there is no barrier.
If to the west blocked the main tomb complex.
While the east and north directions are blocked by sengon and teak trees around the location, which have limestone soil, it is very interesting when viewed from the satellite, it looks like a pyramid.
Or....this place is suitable for hanging out because there is a Gasebo on each side of this hill to rest.
Because it is not too far and is strategically located, it is easy to reach in any mode.

Just start.
At least from the city of Jogja to the east towards the yellow building p4 through the ringroat to the Bantengan market towards the Rawa pillow tour, go up to p4 turn right left towards p4 to the right left to meet the signboard to the TKP but I followed the direction of the south incline.
Here.... the real incline of the cow xdang starts like a plastic plaque that reads out for high incline
.....use 1st gear huh....!!

Because the incline here is like a long step, then a short climb again and so on until the top of the crime scene.
For ascent 1, I have met xdang sapi, then 2,3, I have just found a fun soto stall, the place is recommended for you to try and while looking at the broad Padang down there which was green when we were down there the road was visible from here.

Then up again there was a tall tree and 2 benches 1 table in the middle made of cast cement. I stopped again near the stretch of the PLN electricity cable towards the bottom, a sign of fun. The vast Padang east side of the Berbah area looks green with rice fields.
After that...... the 5th climb there are 2 choices, the right is the steps to the tomb and the left is to the hangout location because there is a choice of stalls, stage performances, toilet rooms and the 6th step to the top of Mount Fragrant Bangkel has been achieved.

From the wisdom of local life that needs to be dug deeper and how to advance this place by means of a small pit.
After this, the existence of cyclists is shown by building a good perception about this place, we can go through this interesting location with our bicycles which may not be able to be passed by other vehicles, we try even though the hill climb is quite low than being called a mountain.
Like the peak in the south, namely the peak of the bucu.

The end of this story.
Going down the fragrant mountain Bangkel you have to lower your saddle a few centimeters and this cement-cast road sometimes has sand that makes you slip.
Go down to the bottom and then turn right you will meet the village of Bangkel then head to P4 to stop for a moment to see the hill above Gasebo looks small on the hill.
Then.....left towards the Krenggotan gate, turn right towards the kid fun tour to P4 Ketandan towards Finish in the city of Jogja again.
In this story.
At Mount Bangkel there is a tourist story that is not only a historical story, the story of people's prejudices and is around the tomb complex of the family of the descendants of the Pakualaman Palace.
Because in general the royal tombs in Jogja are generally located on a hill and away from the crowds.
Or for educational scientists, they can explore the potential for research on geological rocks from ancient volcanic fragments in the hills around here.

Then for us cyclists, we usually like places we don't know and introduce them so that they are viral in visiting or attracting tourists.
When friends play bicycles, they will continue to take turns in this direction.
The rest of you where let's get together to come to this place so we can ride together again.


Kamis, 10 Juni 2021

Don't forget to go home...Yink !!.

Don't forget to go home _ Yink !!

Iyink is the name of the author and actor in this story.
Continuing my story after the end of the #4 Jakarta federal bicycle jamnas event.
Foto: my photo and for me
And it seems that after this the other cyclists will compare me to a person who likes to ride bicycles to move from his (nomadic) rides.
Or looking for the four and a half jamnas sometimes other people say this word again _ don't forget to go back to Jogja - it's okay if you go back to _ yink _ Gowes to Baduy area. When the word gowes to baduy after the national jam event, I say...... olaalah bro....!!? Because stuck in my memory is a place that is primitive, mystical and the distance is still smooth to that place We call it Baduy or Bedouin in Indonesian grammar. After traveling from Jogja _ Jakarta _ Monas Monument _ Gunung Bunder Bogor then to the Banten ciboleger terminal I stayed for 2 days near the Banten ciboleger market. After a few days in Baduy we also met 2 indigenous Baduy residents and we also invited them to stay at the inn. Because they had just returned from a long trip, especially when they met at around eight o'clock at night by chance. So last night's memories with them made me and some of my bicycle friends have a dialogue about life, beliefs and ...!? Especially after visiting the root bridge and bamboo bridge, I get to know more about the life of the inner Baduy or the outer Baduy and can go trekking on adventures to villages or settlements around here.

They are....!!
Baduy people often call themselves urang kanekes because they are in the kanekes river.
And in the northern part there is Mount Baduy which is 300_600 above sea level (asl) and it also has different land contours.
For example, for the northern part of the volcanic type soil, the middle part of the soil is sediment and the southern part is mixed soil.

The beginning.......!!
Kanekes people live in Kanekes village, Keuwidanan sub-district, Lebak Banten, or a distance of 40 kilometers from the town of Rangkas Bitung, Banten.
Starting from the Prophet Adam, they were believed to be their ancestors, they were obliged to continue the teachings which they named the Sunda religion or Sunda Wiwitan.
This teaching contains teachings about continuing the teachings of the ancestors by protecting and preserving the nature around here.
By not changing any shape as well as not changing the layout when building a house or farmland, it is made to follow the contours of the existing land.

Just as long forms cannot be cut or short ones cannot be connected so that they are moved by the rules of the surrounding natural conditions as they are...... in preserving the existing nature.

How to learn baduy people in .....!!
Even though their lives are primitive, they don't know how to read and write, but when they have a dialogue with the Sundanese dialect, Banten_nan.
But in terms of learning about customs, belief is enough to have its own way with teachings from generations of their ancestors who keep and are stored in the oral guidance of beliefs among themselves.

Then what about the outside baduy, yink.
In Baduy life, there are three main villages, namely Kanekes Cikeusik, Cikerawana and Cibio villages which are still in their original state or their actions are still innocent, without further ado and believe in the end of the day like Islam in general.

Then how is the difference.....that's it.
According to what I understand from the story and the justification according to the version of the friend who is here between the Sundanese and the Baduy in the same language, but the beliefs and way of life of the Baduy in Kanekes always close themselves.
This is to maintain the continuity of their customs strictly and traditionally.
While the Sundanese life is more open.

According to the form of dress and headband, the Baduy in the original kanekes are naturally white, while the outer Baduy are always dressed and the headband is dark blue.
The rules applied in the Baduy teachings are prohibited from driving on their way, using footwear, using electronic devices and wearing modern clothes.
Meanwhile, the outside Baduy have used building, household and modern facilities.

Thinking about the two choices illustrates why some of them choose to become outside Baduy, this is due to their violation of the Inner Baduy customs or their desire to go out personally or maybe marry in a different Baduy position.

Back here I am......!!
After understanding someone's thoughts, I consider this a new friend of the urang baduy and the thoughts according to our elders who also confirm or slightly change so that we can just know without wanting to change it because everything has been going on for generations before we were here.
As the night grew late we invited our inner Baduy friend to sleep next to our room where we rented three different rooms.
Especially when I changed rooms, I was attracted by their behavior to roll up the mattress pads and prefer to sleep on existing mats without beautiful the difference is today.

And in the morning we were awakened by an invitation.....!!
It's ironic when I often go on long adventures but really in this area I often ask and ask my friends for consideration because I become a coward...... that's all.
When I'm talking about this, it's about the smell, it smells soooo... cing.

And again...!!
When drinking we often buy plastic bottles of drinking water to replace body fluids so as not to be dehydrated in the body.
But when removing both of them from the urine, where do you have to sometimes.....!?

When you go to the bathroom or don't throw it out arbitrarily, it will turn into a nuisance or kulonuwun asking for permission to throw urine in the running water... well.

Especially in the area around here, I think everything is so safe, so why....!!?

Because I was afraid of flying and was afraid that there would be something strange like a gendolin that stuck on the back of my bicycle on the first day I was on the way to the root bridge .... horrible, _nohhh.

But if .....!!
Well, instead of helping to smooth the way my bicycle even I thank you..... Iyo thio.
It's not that I believe in magical and mystical things, but I was taught as a child of Jogja who adheres to Islam and an environment that is always polite so that in the future wherever he can carry himself in uploading ungguh with habits where I go here, I must know the customary rules Baduy.
Maybe I believe that disposing of urine should also comply with the rules, just like throwing away plastic bottles.

And here, trash bins have also been prepared, especially the dirt roads in the environment are clean and still beautiful, comfortable and natural scenery when I track the roads up and down the hill to the bamboo bridge on the second day at that time.

I believe the rules are there to be obeyed because here is someone else's land whose rules are more mystical than any other city.

And here we have toto coro as a standard rule so that I too can be saved if I obey the existing rules from and by the wisdom of nature by His will. Up there, may bless this journey.


Selasa, 08 Juni 2021

7 Houses village in Gunung Kidul

 It's drizzling rain.

The riding activity this time is in addition to hunting for climbs that have never been tried, namely the klegung climb and the last climb of Pitu village.

And also to establish a community of cyclists, starting this morning on 131220 at 06.00 tikum time in Blok o Jogja.

This nanjak ex-boyfriend calls himself a jerk goweser because that's the way the journey is because the crazy ride the path he chooses is always a jerk climb that he goes through and tries as a challenge even though sometimes they mock each other but that's togetherness can be closely intertwined by understanding each other in their own way the important thing is that it can be safe, smooth and will be waited on at the top of the incline for those who are not strong.

Pitu Village.
We, the perpetrators who are self-aware, visit the wingit place which is full of myths and customs that are so mystical about the existence of this village, so we must always remain vigilant to always kulonuwun and appreciate the existing conditions without disturbing and changing them.

....... Like this expression nothing is perfect but perfect what is around you ....... Because nothing lasts forever whether happy or hurt or suddenly at another time can laugh about taste that used to be sick or that was too beautiful.

Back to the story of the Pitu village, originally named Tlogo Guyangan, aka the lake of Pelanggaran, this is one of the springs that the residents rely on here to meet the ecosystem of the daily life of the residents here logically but still maintained green.
Air eye.
This bathhouse is a place to bathe the livestock of the residents here, but this is about a myth, namely the existence of a magical farm in the form of a winged Sembrani horse that often rides the gods and heavenly nymphs who descend to earth as their vehicle.

Meanwhile, the existence and establishment of Pitu village was thanks to someone who was able to win a prize in a contest from the Yogyakarta palace because he could take care of the tree in which there was a palace talisman.
The tree is in the form of a kinah plant or gadung Wulung which is said to have a fairly large heirloom.

So as an imbalance he got land in this village and passed it on to his descendants and continues to this day.

Foto : ilustrasi goweser
Currently in Pitu village, the scenery looks beautiful and the development towards this direction has been built with a cement-cast road with a Limasan-style house turning into a modern building and the road in the middle is land. Now the atmosphere is a tourist destination.

Including us, these cyclists come here by riding, even though we are tired, we are still happy to see the natural scenery on the outskirts and the land is water enough from the lake which is said to be mystical or the air is cool, the atmosphere is far from air pollution and the conditions are not noisy from worldly life but nothing is perfect, but there are taboos about myths and customs that are mandatory, namely seven houses must be built in an area of ​​7 hectares in this place, it turns out that everyone who is there or who has the intention of living there must think a thousand times to build a house if you don't want to!?.

If the intention is to break the taboo for various kinds of things then that person will not go home safely and may be able to go home but his life is nowhere to be taken, said someone who claims to be a resident there.

So many people who are elected who can live here or their children move out of this village or there are also those who want to live here, so there are those who get married, as did Mr. Dalino, a man from Klaten who married a resident here and his wife is Mbah's grandson. Rejo Dimulyo is another way for outsiders to live in this Pitu village.

Again, who is Mbah Rejo Dimulyo, he is more than 103 years old, as the caretaker of the Pitu village, keeping the nets of tradition at the top of Mount Nglangeran.

While the residents here are unique, namely there are 30 people, 7 houses, 7 families with an area of ​​7 hectares with each family owning 1 hectare of land and they are not allowed to hold puppet shows because of taboos.

The location.
Kampung Pitu is a lucky land located on the east side of Nglangeran Wetan tourism or people often refer to it as the Gunung Wayang area, Pathuk District, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta.
What a lousy path of choice.
Gowes this time on the east side of the city of Jogja through block o towards Berbah until Piyungan road towards the right lightning area but to the left towards the Klegung incline area, he said the incline was worse than lightning because after crossing the road, the cement was cast into gravel, especially last night it rained so sometimes the road was slippery and slipped the bicycle tire.

After that, we pass a new road around our Jurug Gede tour to the right towards the limestone cliffs in the Girisubo area, Gunungkidul.

Or on the left, there are 2 cottonwood trees, the base of which hangs very high, it has a mystical story because it cannot be cut down, in the end the road construction is turned.

Then, at the Nglangeran intersection, there is an angkringan stall to just fill your stomach with hot wedangan while formulating a strategy to get to Pitu village.

From the nglangeran intersection, about a hundred meters, turn right, we meet a small alley of cement cast soil, we start to climb so it's fun to try when visiting here with a hilly area, geographically, the houses are located far from each other and there are also lined up or without many rules. andesite stones here and there become our riding scene, it is more interesting to tell the readers of this blog.

Soponyono climb.
We come to the last climb of Pitu village which we call the SopONyOnO climb.

And it must be tried, even though there are those who pass, there are still those who guide us with full cast cement and slippery soil that brings us to the intersection where there is a mosque there to maintain the beliefs and teachings of the Javanese Islamic religion around here.

Today I am very happy that everything is smooth, safe and safe until Jogja again.

Because I was so touched to be able to get out of the atmosphere and the situation of being anxious in the derivative, the place is full of mystical myths and like a daytime dream or the way we who are jerks can overcome it together and return home to Jogja on the original road, especially the many roads that descend.

When the spirit is still looking for stalls, one by one, they are still closed, so when we come near the Jogja district, we just find a satay stall, Bu Jogo, making our lost abilities recover because we have been trained continuously to determine the rhythm but still measure the limits of that ability... ..yes, if it's not strong, it's pushed and don't let our happiness in the end become a disaster to make trouble for our own husband.

Author's message;
Keep your distance when on an incline, bro!!.

Jumat, 04 Juni 2021

Menolak Bosan dan Tua dalam Bersepeda.

Menolak bosan dan tua dalam bersepeda.

" Mulai sekarang pikirkanlah dengan baik dan tidak mudah untuk menafsir apalagi memutuskan sendiri.

Karena ada bagian dari proses dan produk turunannya yang tidak pernah bisa lepas dari pengaruh dan kekuasaan "

_ juni 2021_

Mulai saja di Kisah a_jrit.

Mulai saja kisah a_jritku Untuk mengulik Para pesepeda yang ba_lelo ada juga yang say hello atau yang adem ayem saja.

Mata kayuhanku

Karena ba_tiba rasa ini muncul modenya yang kuat merasuki jari jemari untuk menulisnya.

Sebelum lanjut perkenalkan saya orang yang rumit dan baru masuk komunitas baru tapi buatan stock lama.

Sebelumnya saya pesepeda biasa saja setelah masuk komunitas baru ini lebih aktif sebagai pesepeda lipat merk ale_oca yang menaungi kelompok kecil yang di sebut kumpulan cah cendol dawet dan kelompok besar yaitu JCC sebagai induk komunitasnya.

Lalu kenapa stok lama rasa baru yang katanya cah wingi sore karena merasa masuk di lingkungan komunitas baru yang harus menghargai seniornya di sini.

Walau di luaran sana para netizen pada komentar mengenai saya seperti ini "koe koe meneh ketemu "di setiap agenda acara gowes antar komunitas di Jogja ini.

Tetap saja sok bi_ngungngi,ng_rusuhi bin ng_ribetin setiap ada acara gowes Karena saya belum tahu harus apa dan berbuat terbaik di tempat ini dari apa yang saya bisa.

Toh semakin lama berjalanya waktu dan putaran roda sepeda saya semakin aktif brengseknya di sini apalagi sering di ajak ke kafe kafe membuat rekening group atau teman di sini berkurang.

Nah....kok rekening di kafe sih sekarang bukanya dulu wes Trimo cukup di angkringan pinggir jalan sambil Ting Ting crit berbagi atau mendengarkan cerita sendu susahnya bersepeda di jalanan yang seperti itu.

Duh....maaf mas bro ini luar biasa sudah berbeda kelasnya dari man_teman golongan priyayi,bos bos usaha dan pegawai bank ternama.

Saat yang mempunyai hobi yang sama bersepeda walau mereka ini maunya jalanan yang brengsek karena mereka sudah bosen naik kendaraan bermesin mending olahraga yang setiap cucuran keringat selalu ada tawa canda apalagi kebersamaan.

Toh setelah itu mampir di kafe atau warung yang rasanya terenak di dunia adalah jujuk_an kita ini dan bagi saya sekedar bisa icip-icip menu kuliner yang tidak biasa dari biasanya itu.

Ataupun setelah selesai gowes waktu mulai malam hari kadang mulai perut lapar lagi tinggal buka WhatsApp pasti ada saja kabar berita yang asyik seperti ini.

Ada Khabar seperti ini " yang dekat bisa merapat ke......"

Yang artinya anda bisa datang ke tempat yang di share lock untuk di ajak makan malam dengan gratis sambil ngobrol tentang apa saja.

Termasuk cerita gowes ina inu atau merencanakan gowes berikutnya.

Nah.... !!?.

Kata senior di grup ini katanya di sinilah syurga_nya komunitas pesepeda yang ada di Jogja ini.

Atau itulah gambaran penulis tentang grup atau komoditas sepeda ini karena ada keterkaitan satu sama lainya untuk menyambung komunikasi berbagi rasa.

Atau dengan istilah bayari makanan minum menjadi hal biasa bagi yang mampu dan yang tidak dengan rela hati berbuat dengan tenaga dari apa yang ia bisa.

Karena di komunitas ini bukan saja dalam hitungan bulan tetapi lebih dari 10 tahun mereka bersama dalam suka dan dukanya bersepeda.

Di manapun tempat yang jalannya brengsek di tuju ia coba dan taklukkan bersama sama dalam penunjukkan eksistensi grup ini saja.

Toh rejeki bukan soal makanan ngontal enak terus,madank geden atau di jajak_ke tapi ini soal rasa untuk datang di tempat yang tepat.

Dan dari teman yang percaya untuk menghargai ke berbeda_an.

Di dalam menyalurkan hobi bersepeda pada akhirnya toh bisa bertahan sampai detik ini.

Lalu apakah saya setelah ini termasuk dalam generasi cah wingi sore di komunitas ini atau kamu ya kamu bisa saja tertarik ikut bergabung !!?.

Semua orang baru juga mengalami proses yang sulit di mengerti mengapa !!?

Tetapi untuk apa kamu di sini karena yang saya bisa mengerti di sini banyak team pembina yang saya rasa nek wes " rembug tua "

Dan apapun itu harus di jalani karena mereka mereka sudah paham caranya termasuk penilaian team kusus_os

Dan yang bisa saja anda atau saya ini di dupak atau di kick keluar dari grup ini karena melanggar aturan yang tidak tertulis.

Tidak taat aturan....kick !!

Sebelumnya penulis akan mengurai kata " cangkeman " yang istilahnya orang yang banyak omong kosong atau dalam strata priyayi ini termasuk kata yang kasar untuk di ucapkan atau di dengar.


Kata teman saya di wall sebelah .... Saiki wes lali karo kancane pit Wesi karatan tor wes berubah haluan ke grup elite di Jogja ini.

Sek_sek senengane nanjakke madank geden terus marakke tambah lemu awakmu Saiki...bro !!.

Ya,ya,ya saya kerap mendapat sapaan seperti itu karena mungkin sudah tidak bisa gowes bareng lagi.

Toh...... Rasah di pikir Jero ora bersama lagi toh itu cara kita menyapa pembuka kata " mau kemana gowes nya lagi " ingin bertemu atau anggap saja sapaan mesra pesepeda yang saling kenal maka jangan masukin ke hati lho..bro !!.

Terkadang ....!!?.

Saya sangat beruntung tapi ada juga pilunya karena  .....!!.

Alhamdulillah sekarang punya teman baru di komunitas JCC untuk menetaskan image dalam membangun ide ide baru.

Supaya cerita klasik mereka bisa di kenang secara visual,tertulis dan kenangan persaudaraan ini tetap abadi.

Apalagi gowes sekarang ini sudah memperhitungkan kebaikan bersama soal masalah umur dengan menolak bosan dan tua dalam bersepeda di komunitas ini.

Pada awalnya masih ada drama drama cerita lama yang tak ingin grup ini berubah pinginnya seperti ini.

Apa saja tetapi semua itu biarkan team kusus yang lebih tahu dan bagi saya menulis adalah pilihan untuk mengatakan sesuatu agar di baca.

Atau sebagai tuntunan inilah kisah klasiknya cah ngepit karena ini lho lingkungan yang ada di sini orangnya tua tua yang gila bersepeda 

Dan yang memang sadis dan brengsek kalau bersepeda.......hiii !!?.

Walau ada saja pilunya yang masih saja ada salah satu teman yang balelo sulit di atur.

Saat itu walau sudah di kick dupak dan di masukin lagi di grup ini masih saja cengengesan.

Dan mungkin saja atau karena bawaan dari mana saja niatnya berbuat seperti itu bukan wewenang saya toh admin group yang bisa memutuskan langkah berikutnya ...!!

Apakah wajar saya untuk bisa saja menulisnya kelakuannya itu di blog ini atau hanya untuk bisa bisanya mem_bullinya.

Toh biarkan waktu dari team kososs yang bisa saja ada menyertainya,membimbingnya untuk di dupak dari grup ini.

Atau dalam istilahnya om yang punya bukit kidul kae menyebut itu cah brengsek beneran Ojo di lawan ya,....siap cak !!.

Akhir kisah ini.

Dari apa yang tertulis di kisah klasik orang orang dan lingkungan para pesepeda ini.

Atau kalau ada salah kata mohon di maafkan tapi jangan di lupakan karena yang di lupakan kadang kala tidak di hargai atau di syukuri keberadaan nikmatnya.

Karena orang yang brengsek beneran seperti itu ada di sekeliling kita yang katanya hanya sebagai orang yang bisanya omong kosong alias cang_keman su ... itu saja.

Sedangkan yang brengsek di jalanan adalah orang orang pesepeda yang lagi memburu jalanan yang jarang di lalui pesepeda lainnya.

Tempat itu yang terkadang jalan extremely tanjakan bisa saja membuat orang ikut mengatakan kok milih jalan brengsek seperti itu....!!?

Akhir kata !!!.

Saya mengucapkan selamat pagi dan tetap semangat di hari Jumat 4juni 2021 jadikan hidup ini Menolak Bosan dan Tua dalam Bersepeda.

Hal itu lebih bermakna, bermanfaat dan bermartabat buat kehidupan yang baik.

Salam dari Jogja untuk semua.



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